Hitting Performance Lab Review

Players grow up learning from the pros of their time and mastering their training methods. This helps them to cope up with the numerous strategies and playing styles that they may face in a real game situation.

Hitting Performance Lab Review

Hitters are among the many players who are expected to outperform on an individual level. They have to find the perfect shot that can trump the strategy deployed by the opponents. Therefore, hitters need to learn new methods and techniques to improve their performance.

The Hitting Performance Lab is one of the best and easiest ways coaches can train their hitters to perform excellently.

What is Hitting Performance Lab?

Hitting Performance Lab is an easy to follow a training program that provides extensive hitting knowledge and training to both coaches and players. These training programs are developed using extensive research and combining human movement science.

Players can benefit from this course by learning mechanical movements in their swing.

Who is behind the Hitting Performance Lab?

The Hitting Performance Lab is created by Joey Myers, a Certified Youth Fitness Specialist, and Corrective Exercise Specialist. He played baseball at Fresno State University and later started working with the hitters.

Hitting Performance Lab-Joey Myers

His life took a turn when he started researching human anatomy and physiology books for a case of chronic knee stiffness. He realized that these principals of movement were used by the best hitters in baseball. These movements proved beneficial for hitters who were small in stature and helped them put up big power numbers.

Today he is known for his extensive knowledge of how the human body moves and performs athletically. His commendable knowledge can be attributed to the extensive research that he has conducted to date.

Hitting Performance Lab courses review

The Hitting Performance Lab course is a combination of many comprehensive courses that can help you shape the performance of your hitter or yourself. To help you choose the ideal ones we have shortlisted some of Joey Myers’courses that you can choose from.

Feedback Lab

If you have made up your mind to take the Joey Myers route for improving your hitting, the ‘Feedback Lab’ is a great one to start from. It is a great way to learn how to generate repeatable power with step-by-step video feedback and accountability in 48-hours. You can see their sales pitch below:

This course combines different mini-courses that can help the players improve their baseball hits making them more effective and effortless. These courses can be great for players who have been struggling to hit the ball across the field and have received less to no training from a qualified coach.

The first part of the course involves ‘Clear focused step-by-step video feedback’, it is an effective program for players who are unable to identify the bleeding factors in their batting style. With the help of Joey Myers, you find and correct the problem in your batting style.

The second part of the course is ‘The accountability factor’ where the session reveals what the players are doing correctly and what are the other things that need to do to perfect their batting style.

Then comes the part where you get a set of drills that you can perform during the practice sessions and make your hits stronger, faster, and effortless. This is followed by the 48-hour turnaround feedback session, which guides the hitter in following the movements for hitting.

The final part of this training course comprises a training component for parents. This helps you learn how to train your kid or team member and instill fluid movements in his/her swings. To ensure that you understand things well, there is a telephonic conversation after the first feedback session.

Catapult Loading System

The Catapult Loading System is a deep dive taken by Joey Myers into the age-old methods of hitting with the intent of uprooting them and planting a more effective method. It is a book that provides you with the instructions of hitting the ball by using the energy generated by your body in the right way.

The Catapult Loading System
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Catapult-Loading-System-100-Pound-Consistently-ebook/dp/B079T7C9SN?tag=ibatreviewsge-20″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#00A8E8″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon=”icon: hand-o-right” rel=”nofollow” title=”Check Price on Amazon.com”]Check Reviews Now[/su_button]
The book covers important methods and helps you learn them systematically for better results. You can learn about how to master some of the crucial human movement principles, which will let you slice the ‘teach hitting’ learning curve in half.

To see how the Catapult Loading System works, you can watch this video:


You will also get meaningful insights on how to effectively load the body and optimize the batted ball distance potential. This will enable you to learn more about the right posture and angle that is to be maintained while hitting.

It comes with secret tips and tricks revealed by elite hitters. These tricks include High-Exit-Speeds, swing after swing, using three elements that are very easy to understand. Finally, the course teaches you how ‘loading and exploding the hips’ is harmful to your lower back, and how to teach hitters a highly effective but safe swing.

Engineering The Alpha:

This is the most important course from Joey Myers, as it guides the batters on hitting the perfect shot. It teaches the hitters on how to triple their body-weight in batted ball distance, apply human movement principles validated by science. In conclusion, simple coaching cues that easy to understand and execute.

It comprises training methods like ‘REVEALED the REAL science behind consistent power’, which lets you learn a higher movement standard that is super effective in any game situation. The course then goes on to debunk the most commonly sold myths, ‘load and explode the hips’.

STOP hitters from letting the front shoulder fly open too early’ is a part of the course that focuses on correcting the errors of opening arms too early and not utilizing the potential of the pressure that can let you hit the ball to a great distance.

The last parts of the course focus on teaching the hitters on how to get the movement right, and the perfect timing to start the load and teach about three different load timings.

Difference between the courses

Every course mentioned above is based on research and scientifically backed evidence, which makes them valid from a coach and player standpoint. However, they have been designed uniquely and function very differently from each other here are some of the points.


The approach taken by the courses is very different, the Feedback Lab and Engineering The Alpha take a direct and evaluative approach where Joey Myers guides the players personally and helps them learn the right movements.

Catapult Loading System on the other hand is a book and due to which it takes a general approach, somewhat similar to one size fits all theory.

Key Focus Area

As you can see above all of the courses focus on totally different things. The Feedback Lab is directed towards letting the players know about the errors they have making and why their shots are not bearing the desired results.

Catapult Loading System teaches the players about how to move their bodies during a swing whereas, ‘Engineering the Alpha’ focuses on teaching the right way to execute a shot. They can be used in the form of stages of training as they gradually help you complete the training journey.


Owing to their different nature, the price of the courses is different too. For instance, the Feedback Lab is a full-fledged program with personal insights from Joey Myers which is why it has a high price.

Catapult Loading System is a general guidebook that players and coaches can refer to and make changes in their training.


It is not bad to learn the traditional methods of baseball as long as they are being taught the right way. However, in the highly competitive world of baseball to be a great player you need to be a step ahead of the others to make it to the top.

I hope the above information has helped you gain sufficient knowledge about the various courses offered by Joey Myers. If you have any queries or suggestions, you can write them in the comments.

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